We use this Prospective Client Intake Form to determine, first and foremost, whether we have any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may prevent us from being able to represent you. Assuming there are no conflicts of interest, we then review the form to get a general overview of your case, so that we can determine whether it is advisable for us to schedule an initial consultation appointment with you to discuss your legal matter further.
Contact us
Please understand that no attorney-client relationship is formed by your submission of this intake form and/or by your supplying us with any other documents, information, or materials related to your case. We may not be able to treat any such information as confidential and privileged.
If we schedule an initial consultation appointment with you (whether in person or by telephone), any information and documents that we discuss and review in preparation for, during, and after the consultation will be confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege, regardless of whether we ultimately end up representing you in connection with your legal matter. Therefore, if you have information that you would like to keep confidential, please hold it until after the time that we have scheduled our initial consultation.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please call our office.